The Moon Sister by Lucinda Riley

This was my latest audio book. I’ve been working so much lately and been so tired and preoccupied with little time to get on to my laptop that I’ve not been able to write anything at all and really only been able to listen to audio books.

The Moon Sister is the fifth book in The Seven Sisters series. This book follows Tiggy, as she looks into her family history, using the clues left to her by her adoptive father.

Tiggy actually seems to have next to no interest in finding out where she comes from. She’s happy to carry on as she is, in a life where she looks after animals. She has no issues with the way she was raised and she’s happy.

As her current employer/friend is moving on, Tiggy has found new employment in the Scottish Highlands, helping some wildcats in a new enclosure. She is instantly smitten with her new employer. Inevitably, this means being slightly at odds with his wife. But Tiggy is good friends with just about everyone else and it sounds as though she’s the kind of person that gets on with everyone.

But who is the mysterious man who seems to be hanging around the grounds and arguing with Charlie? Who is the rich guest that won’t leave and seems to have taken to Tiggy? How does a gypsy living in the grounds have a connection to Tiggy and her birth family?

One event seems to change everything and Tiggy, at a slight loss of what to do and where to go, heads off to find out where she came from.

I liked both Tiggy’s story and the story of her ancestor Lucinda. But the stories are all a little repetitive. So far, ALL the sisters have found love. The most different of the stories is Ally’s. Ally found love at the start, lost the man she loved and then had his baby. Maia and Star both found love as part of their search and took on someone else’s child. CeCe was more complicated but she seemed to find love too. It’s just making the stories predictable, although each one isn’t a carbon copy of the others.

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